Nursing/Residential Home Injuries and Abuse

Understanding Nursing/Residential Home Injuries and Abuse

Nursing/Residential home injuries happen for many reasons, including abuse and neglect by the home staff or other residents. Unfortunately, nursing/residential home abuse happens far too often throughout the nation. Nursing/residential home abuse typically involves physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, or financial abuse by a member of the staff or another resident.

When a resident suffers an injury due to abuse or neglect, the resident could be entitled to file a personal injury claim. Nursing/residential home abuse is commonly the result of negligence on the part of the company that owns or operates the nursing/residential home or its staff. 

For instance, nursing/residential homes might be short-staffed or lacking proper training. Nursing/residential home personal injury claims often require an investigation into a company's policies and procedures.

If your loved one has suffered abuse or neglect in their nursing/residential home, contacting Guercio & Guercio LLP should be the first step you take. Call us at 516-694-3000 to find out how we can help you and your loved one recover from this violation.

Common Injuries from New York Nursing/Residential Home Abuse

The type and severity of nursing/residential home abuse or neglect injuries differ significantly based on the injured individual and the circumstances surrounding the situation. One of the most common types of nursing/residential home injuries is bedsores, which typically develop when a resident is not moved for long. However, there are several other types of injuries associated with nursing/residential home abuse, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Concussions or other head injuries
  • Bruising and lacerations
  • Burns
  • Malnutrition or dehydration
  • Injuries from sexual abuse
  • Death

It is also important to note that injuries do not always involve physical pain or harm. For instance, nursing/residential home abuse could include financial exploitation in which the injury is purely financial. Additionally, a resident might sustain emotional injuries from  abuse or neglect.

Warning Signs of Abuse or Neglect at a Nursing/Residential Home

The warning signs of abuse or neglect  can be obvious in some situations, or very subtle in other cases. Some common signs of abuse or neglect may include a resident who:

  • Develops a fear of certain residents or employees
  • Has a dirty room, clothing. or other personal items
  • Has poor hygiene
  • Develops a change in their personality
  • Has an excessively hot or cold room
  • Seems overly anxious or fearful
  • Has injuries with no valid explanation
  • Loses their financial assets or personal property

It might be hard to believe that a loved one is being abused or neglected at a nursing/residential home. But nursing/residential home abuse happens, so it is important to understand the common warning signs and be willing to report potential abuse.

What to Do If You Suspect Nursing/Residential Home Abuse or Neglect in New York

If you suspect your loved one is suffering from n abuse or neglect, it is important to act quickly and seek help. Simply speaking with your loved one may not be sufficient because they might be afraid of repercussions if they disclose abuse to you.

Contacting Guercio & Guercio LLP could provide you with a better understanding of your options and investigate any claims of abuse or neglect. Additionally, most states have agencies tasked with handling nursing/residential home abuse or neglect complaints and investigating any and all claims provided to them.

It is important to take action as soon as possible if you suspect any type of  abuse or neglect to prevent it from escalating. Call us at 516-694-3000 to schedule a free consultation today.
